This is a component that lets you define templates and render them using mustache or underscore, to easily display your data.
Like in the Table Component you can create and use addIns to further costumize and enhance the data you are displaying.
- name
- The name of the component
- type
- parameter
- Parameter to Prompt
- listeners
- Array - Parameters who this component will react to
- parameters
- Array of Arrays - Parameters to pass to the template
- htmlObject
- Id of the component (usually a div or a span tag) to be replaced by the result
- refreshPeriod
- Time in seconds for this component to refresh. Default is 0 (disabled)
- executeAtStart
- True to execute the component at start, false otherwise
- preExecution
- Function - Function to be called before the component is executed
- postExecution
- Function - Function to be called after the component is executed
- chartDefinition
- MetaLayer object with the definition of the query (see MetaLayer options)
- tooltip
- Tooltip to be displayed when mouse hovers
- modelHandler
- Function - Function to handle data for the model. Should return the model to be used on the template
- template
- Function - Function that returns a template to be used
- templateType
- Template library to use on render (mustache or underscore)
- formatters
- Array of Arrays - Used to format data. You must define an ID and a function that will return the formatted value
- events
- Array of Arrays - Events to trigger for each event
- rootElement
- Set the id of the root element of the model to render
- extendableOptions
- An object with propertied to extend the functionality of the component
MetaLayer options
- queryType
- Type of query to read results from. Can be sql or mdx. Default: mdx
- jndi
- Connection to use for the query
- query
- sql or mdx Query to execute
- cube
- Cube name to use when queryType is mdx
- catalog
- Mondrian schema to use when queryType is mdx